Download Cadence Orcad 16.5 PCB Design Software

Cadence Orcad 16.5 is an integrated tool for schematic design entry, circuit board design, simulation and pcb layout board design software for designing electronics products. It is used by professional engineers and circuit board designer around the world for schematics drawing of electronics circuit board and for PCB board Prototyping.

The design step to design PCB board is to enter the electronics schematics, then to perform simulation and other analysis. If the simulation result are correct then footprint are added for PCB board design. Then the next step is to transfer the designed Orcad schematics to PCB layout tool called allegro PCB. The nice feature of this pcb board design software is that there are lots of automation during the transfer process of orcad schematic to PCB board design making it easy for designers to quickly develop PCB for manufacturing. During the PCB design, it provides very useful features such as components placing, auto routing and design of multiple layer pcb and others. After the PCB board design is completed, it generates Geber PCB file required by the PCB manufacturers. Gerber PCB is the final file required which in case of orcad is generated by the artwork tool.
Download cadence orcad 16.5 along with hotfixes from the link provided below

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